Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Haiku Challenge Met

Leave it to my brother to issue this challenge:

Nelson Mandela's Sign Language Interpreter, as written by a Cockney laborer during the final outbreak of the Black Plague in 1666.
As written, it would appear that the subject is the sign language interpreter.  Piece of cake.  But the Cockney laborer part was more difficult.  What I would say in one syllable (sick) takes three in Cockney (Tom and Dick) Still, with a little bit of research (and a lot of rewrites), I think I nailed it.

Why the two an' eight?
Mutt an' Jeff 'ave Tom an' Dick,
But I ain't creamed 'ere.

Image from wriggleplum.blogspot.com
So, my sweet younger brother, got any more brain busters for me?

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