Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Happy National Grammar Day!

Didn't know National Grammar Day was a thing?  That's why I'm here, friends.  In honor of this blessed event, I hope you'll enjoy some of my favorite memes.
Image from someecards.com

This fucking language I swear to God
Image from emma-gene.tumblr.com
Image from xaxor.com

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Myth Busting: Ending Sentences With Prepositions

Okay, it's time to dispel a common grammar myth.  Despite what you may have heard, it is perfectly acceptable to end a sentence with a preposition (prepositions are words that indicate position, such as over, under, through, up, down, etc.).  When you go out of your way to avoid doing so, you end up with a sentence like this:
Image from grammarly.com

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

My Favorite Resources

As a teacher, writer, and editor, it is important that I stay on top of trends and changes in language and style guides.  While I use a plethora of resources, the following are my favorites.  Between the three, I am almost always able to find what I need.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Haiku Challenge Met

Leave it to my brother to issue this challenge:

Nelson Mandela's Sign Language Interpreter, as written by a Cockney laborer during the final outbreak of the Black Plague in 1666.
As written, it would appear that the subject is the sign language interpreter.  Piece of cake.  But the Cockney laborer part was more difficult.  What I would say in one syllable (sick) takes three in Cockney (Tom and Dick) Still, with a little bit of research (and a lot of rewrites), I think I nailed it.

Why the two an' eight?
Mutt an' Jeff 'ave Tom an' Dick,
But I ain't creamed 'ere.

Image from wriggleplum.blogspot.com
So, my sweet younger brother, got any more brain busters for me?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Menu Writing + Fun Challenge = Happy Thanksgiving

I have no idea how long it's been since my last post.  I've had several editing jobs, but between those and teaching, I've been too brain wasted at the end of each day to write. Now, after three days with nothing but Candy Crush and Netflix to occupy my mind, I'm ready!

This time of year, social networking sites are brimming with users writing about how thankful they are.  That's just not my style.  Not to imply that I'm not thankful, because I am.  I just choose to write something that will challenge me creatively.  So for today's post, I decided to describe some of the dishes that will be served at my family's Thanksgiving table, but in the style of a swanky (but whimsical) restaurant. 

Tropical Gelee
Enjoy a reminder of summers past and those to come with this Hawaiian-inspired dish.  Complex flavors of lemon, lime, and pineapple mixed with farm fresh cheese will delight while a sprinkling of Georgia pecans adds a hint of autumn.
Cranberry Relish
Never again will canned cranberry sauce satisfy. Fresh New England cranberries, freshly grated Florida orange zest, and a sprinkling of Georgia pecan dust will compliment the savory sides on your Thanksgiving table.
"Turkey" with Wild Rice Stuffing
Why should carnivores have all the fun?  This vegan treat includes all of the flavors of the holiday, but none of the animal cruelty.  A turkey somewhere will be thanking you for savoring this slow-roasted tofu bundle, basted in seasonal vegetable broth, and served with wild rice stuffing and roasted root vegetables.
Deconstructed Pumpkin Pie*
No Thanksgiving meal would be complete without this ambrosial confection.  Rejoice in the flaky but moist homemade pie crust filled with your favorite holiday gourd, then topped with your choice of fresh whipped cream or French vanilla bean ice cream.
*Deconstruction is the responsibility of the guest.
Most ghost writers specialize in a particular industry.  While specialization may help me land a job, I enjoy knowing that I can spice up almost anything in writing.
And now for the fun challenge...
One of my favorite things to do is write Haikus.  They are short, to the point, and well-balanced (unlike your Thanksgiving meal).  What I'm asking readers (all two of you) to do is provide a topic - ANY topic - and I will write a Haiku about it.  Broccoli farming, breast feeding, or badger taming, there are NO LIMITS!  In the meantime,


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Get Thee To the Gallows: Hanged vs. Hung

I love all things grammar.  I listen to grammar podcasts, read grammar blogs, and take online grammar tests just for fun.  So when friends ask me grammar-related questions, it's my time to shine. This week's topic was inspired by just such an occasion.