Saturday, September 21, 2013

Happy Birthday, Stephen King!

It was first period during my senior year of high school.  I was surrounded by the cacophony of my fellow T.V. Production nerds and bathed in the white glow of fluorescent lights.  Not being on-air or behind-camera that day, I had decided to pass the remainder of the class period with Salem's Lot by Stephen King.  In the middle of the circus, I had to stop reading.  Not because I was distracted by the commotion, not because it was time to record our morning show, but because I was terrified My heart raced and I was afraid to close my eyes beyond a blink.  I slammed my book shut and immediately immersed myself in the unrestrained disorder of yammering teenagers.  I can count on one hand the authors who have been able to elicit that sort of visceral reaction from me.

King's latest novel, a sequel to the 1977 novel The Shining, got a rave review last Wednesday on NPR's Morning Edition.  While I have to admit that I haven't been a fan of his recent work, I will most certainly give Doctor Sleep at try when it is released this Tuesday.  In honor of his birthday today, here are some of my favorite quotes from the Master of Horror:

All images pilfered from Pinterest

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